Monday, July 25, 2016

Step Out to Stand Out

Hello guys!

Today's post is about taking steps in life that scare you at first, but greatly benefit you later.

Here's a personal example to get the ball rolling. If I want to get corrections from my dance teachers, noticed by the school directions, and casted all of the leading roles, I need to step into the front of the room during classes and auditions. I can't be afraid of standing alone or messing up the step. 

A lack of desire is not what holds most of us back from taking our steps. It is the fear of failing that keeps us dancing small and in the back of the crowd. Talent and uniqueness emerge if you take risks! You can't be afraid of being exposed and vulnerable. 

The reality is that when you step out/take a risk, there is a chance that you may fail. Failure is inevitable, but what you do after failure is not. 

That part is up to you. It's up to you to use that failure as fuel for your internal strength. Each step will either get you closer to success or will make you stronger. Isn't that a pretty encouraging cycle?

The stronger you become, the more you can handle failure/defeat. The more you can handle failure/defeat, the more courage you will have. Soon, hard steps become easy because you are no longer afraid of failing. It's quite an exciting pattern. You just need to take the first step. 

Taking your step does not have to be in your career only. You can (and should) take steps in your relationships and in your daily routine as well. 

For the single people out there, say hello to the pretty girl or guy sitting alone at Starbucks. Take the risk! Hey, you could end up with a new girlfriend or boyfriend. 

And now for your routine. Order the salad instead of the burger. Your body will thank you later. Don't be afraid of trying to lose that extra weight! Dive in head first and in a few months you will see a change. 

The same goes for exercising. Don't worry about what you look like in those yoga pants on the elliptical. Get moving, stay moving, and you will soon see some results.

If you want to experience the truest form of happiness and bliss, you need to take risks; and those risks start with a step out. 

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