Sunday, July 31, 2016

Stretching Yourself Too Thin? How to Avoid Burning Out

Hello readers,

During the school year, I have a strenuous schedule and sometimes become burnt out. When I'm "burnt out" I become tired, grouchy, unmotivated, lazy, and complacent during my day to day routine. I simply want to quit school, pack my bags, and get on a plane home. You may know the feeling I'm talking about. It's the feeling of being just absolutely done.

On a daily basis I have academic courses at Fordham, dance classes at Alvin Ailey, rehearsals, church events, cross training workouts, homework/papers due, meals to make, and more. 

My life is jam packed with obligations and exciting opportunities. I love my life in New York. However, I often forget how blessed I am and I become super burnt out, uneasy, and just plain over it. 

I ask myself, "How can you do all of this and not get burnt out?" Or, "Next year, can you do a better job of avoiding burn out?"

That's why I am writing this post. It is as much for me as it is for you. My goal here is to put together a list of things we can all use to avoid getting burnt out. 

  1. Take a breath. I have a really awesome and cooky professor at Fordham who brought in a Tai Chi Master, Addison Martin to class (he can kill someone with the touch of his finger). He told us that if you take a 7 count inhale and a 4 count exhale, you can reset your mind and refocus your thoughts. Try this! A small breath will give you a second to evalute the current situation and enable you to be completely present and mindful. When I'm feeling flustered, angry, or stressed, I take a few deep and long breaths. They really calm me down and put my problems in perspective.
  2. Do something for you! When I feel like I'm being stretched too thin with school, dance, and life in general, I try to do something for myself. I do something that gives me a bit immediate joy/satisfaction. I have no shame in saying this. We are all human and were raised in a society filled with immediate gratifications. Go get a pastry. Go to your favorite clothing store. Or, go to the nearest pet store to play with some puppies. That last option literally works every time. Go out and do something fun!
  3. Make a "To Do List." I love lists, especially when I have many things going on in my brain! Make a list of what you have to get done, or about the issues that you are thinking about. It will make you feel better, I promise.
  4. Call your mom. My mom is one of my best friends. If you're feeling like you're life is spiraling out of control, call a family member or friend that you trust. Get everything off your chest. Don't wait to do this. The sooner you vent, the sooner you will feel better.
  5. Go for a joy walk. Sometimes we just need a little air. I know that when I'm cooped up in my dorm room for too long, I go crazy. It feels great to get out and just walk. If you can't go for a walk, go for a drive and blast your favorite music in the car.
  6. Meditate. Life can move so fast sometimes. To slow down, I often use the Podcast's guided meditations. The meditations are short, inspirational, and positive. There is one for any issue you may be having. My favorite mediations are called Renewal, and Emotional Clearing. I get really caught up in my emotions, so this 27 minute mediation really does the trick of me. If you have never tried meditating, you absolutely should! There is an amazing sense of calm that comes over you during and after meditation. Everyone needs to experience this at least once.

I hope these ideas help you find little moments of peace and joy during your hectic life. If you can't find these moments, you are probably being stretched too thin by different aspects of your life. An ambitious, fast paced lifestyle can't be maintained for very long. You will burn out and have to rebuild your motivation. If you search for the moments of quiet, joy, and relaxation during the chaos, you can avoid burn out. 

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